Thursday, February 12, 2009

Slumdog Millionare

After much hype given to the movie with 10 oscars, I decided to watch slumdog. Almost everyone by now knows about the movie, story etc. the typical rags to riches story.

For a difference this movie although on India and many actors are from India still is made by a westerner who visualizes the county as a backward slum. This is how the westerners would like to see this country and would never believe if you were to say that the country is forward in many ways.

Anyway the point here is that the movie was made in such a way so as to please the western audience and hence it got so many awards. The fact it is only for western audience is evident by the fact that the movie in India was released after almost a month compared to the western countries. The producers had expected that the movie wont be taken well inside this country and purposely avoided releasing it here earlier.

If anyone in India were to produce a movie and show that the western countries are backward then it would be taken very well and would win many awards as well... ;)

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